Friday, February 29, 2008


Ask the Lt. Governor to

H.B. 1013 has been referred
to the Senate Public Health & Welfare and Finance Committees.

Call Phil Bryant and tell him to
let the process work.

His Chairmen should allow Senators to vote on a $1 cigarette tax increase and show their constituents how they stand on this important issue.
Call the Lt. Governor @ 601-359-3200
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tell Phil Bryant to ensure there is:
Ø No Pocket Veto by his Chairmen
Ø A Floor Vote by the full Senate on a $1 Cigarette Tax increase

HB 1013 passed the Mississippi House of Representatives and is now before the state Senate Public Health & Welfare and Finance Committees.The measure contains a $1.00 cigarette tax that would raise $174 million in new revenue. These additional resources will be used to fund Medicaid, a health care safety net for our children and elderly, and a trauma care system

Call Lt Governor Bryant and tell him Let the Senate Vote. All Senators should be given an opportunity to let their constituents know how they stand on this important issue. Committee chairman should not make this decision in isolation. Chairman should not pocket veto this bill by prohibiting their committee from voting. A vote by Senate committees is necessary and important to ensure that the democratic process works.

Call the Lt. Governor @ 601-359-3200

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